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Minimalist Web Design: Stripping Down for Maximum Impact

Minimalist web design is more than just a visual aesthetic; it's a philosophy that embodies the elegance of simplicity, precision, and purpose-driven design. It embraces the principle of "less is more," where every design element serves a deliberate role in enhancing the user experience. In this exploration of minimalist web design, we'll delve into its core principles, uncover the underlying philosophy, and understand how it shapes the world of web development.

What is Minimalist Web Design?

Minimalist web design is a philosophy that champions simplicity, precision, and purposeful design. It's a style that embodies the adage "less is more," where every design element has a specific role and contributes to the overall user experience. Let's delve into the core principles that define minimalist design and its impact on web development.

Defining Simplicity, Clean Lines, and Whitespace

At its core, minimalist design is characterised by its commitment to simplicity. Clean lines, uncluttered layouts, and an emphasis on whitespace are defining characteristics. Elements are stripped down to their essential forms, ensuring that each element serves a clear purpose. By employing clean lines, the design achieves a sense of elegance and sophistication that draws users' attention to the content that truly matters.

Only Use the Essential Elements

Minimalist web design is all about making deliberate choices when it comes to design elements. It's not about sacrificing necessary elements but rather prioritising what truly matters. This principle encourages designers to critically evaluate each element's role in the user experience. By focusing on essential components, clutter is eliminated, leading to a cleaner, more enjoyable interface.

Philosophy of "Less is More" in Design

The philosophy of "less is more" lies at the heart of minimalist design. This principle, often attributed to the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, underscores the notion that simplicity and refinement can have a more significant impact than complex embellishments. In the context of web design, this philosophy advocates for removing distractions and extraneous elements, allowing users to focus on the content and goals of the website.

What Makes Web Design Minimalistic?

Minimalist web design is underpinned by several key principles that work together to create an effective and impactful user experience. Let's explore these principles and understand how they contribute to the minimalist aesthetic.

Whitespace and Layout

Whitespace, also known as negative space, is the area between elements on a web page. It's a fundamental aspect of minimalist design as it creates visual breathing room, allowing users to focus on the essential elements. This spaciousness enhances the overall aesthetic and readability of the design. By judiciously using whitespace, designers can prevent visual clutter and help guide users' attention to the most crucial content. This enhances user engagement and interaction by making navigation intuitive and content consumption seamless.

Color Palette and Typography

Minimalist design often employs a limited colour palette to maintain a cohesive and harmonious visual identity. The use of a restrained colour scheme can convey a sense of sophistication and professionalism. Typography, another integral aspect, is carefully chosen to enhance readability and match the overall design ethos. Clear and legible fonts contribute to a clean and polished appearance, making the content easily digestible for users.

Simplicity in Navigation

Navigation menus in minimalist web design are purposefully streamlined. The focus is on providing users with straightforward and intuitive pathways to the information they seek. Minimalistic navigation menus avoid overwhelming users with excessive options, reducing cognitive load and decision fatigue. Hidden navigation elements or simplified menu structures ensure that users can easily navigate the website without distraction, leading to a more positive user experience.

Visual Hierarchy

Minimalist design leverages visual hierarchy to guide users through the content and highlight important elements. By strategically placing design elements and content, designers direct users' attention to specific focal points, such as call-to-action buttons, important messages, or featured products. Minimalist design amplifies the impact of these focal points, making them more compelling and memorable. The simplicity of the design aids in communicating these focal points clearly and effectively.

Benefits of Minimalist Web Design

Minimalist web design isn't just about aesthetics; it offers a range of benefits that positively impact user experience, performance, and branding. Let's explore how adopting a minimalist approach can lead to a more effective and impactful website.

Faster Loading Times

One of the immediate advantages of minimalist web design is a responsive website with faster loading times. With fewer elements to load, the website's pages become lighter and more efficient. This speed is crucial in today's digital landscape where users expect instant access to information. Quicker loading times not only enhance the user experience by reducing frustration but also contribute to improved SEO rankings. Search engines favour fast-loading websites, which can result in higher search engine visibility and better organic traffic.

Enhanced User Experience

Clutter-free designs directly translate into improved user engagement. With only essential elements on the page, users can focus on the content that matters most. This focused experience leads to better comprehension of the information and easier navigation. Additionally, minimalist designs often lead to seamless and intuitive user interactions. Clear calls-to-action, simplified navigation, and unobtrusive design elements guide users effortlessly through the website, resulting in a positive and enjoyable browsing experience.

Strong Brand Identity

Minimalist design has the unique ability to make a brand's message and values stand out prominently. By eliminating distractions and unnecessary elements, the core essence of the brand is highlighted. This focused representation reinforces brand identity and messaging, allowing users to quickly grasp the brand's purpose and values. Additionally, the memorable impression that a well-executed minimalist design leaves on visitors can foster a stronger emotional connection with the brand, potentially leading to increased brand loyalty and trust.

How can I Implement Minimalist Web Design?

Designing a minimalist website requires careful planning and thoughtful execution. Here are some tips and best practices to guide you in creating a clean, impactful, and user-friendly minimalist design.

4 Tips for Implementing Minimalistic Web Design

1. Start with a Clear Goal

Before you dive into design decisions, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your website's purpose and target audience. Define the primary goals of the website – whether it's to showcase products, provide information, or encourage engagement. Tailor your design choices to align with these goals and the expectations of your intended audience. This clarity will guide your design decisions and help you create a minimalist design that serves its purpose effectively.

2. Prioritise Content

In a minimalist design, content takes centre stage. Prioritise the essential content and messaging that directly support your website's goals. Trim away any unnecessary elements that don't contribute to the user experience or hinder the message you're conveying. This practice ensures that users can quickly and easily find the information they're seeking, leading to a more engaging and efficient interaction.

3. Consistency is Key

Consistency in design elements is vital for a polished and cohesive minimalist design. Establish a set of design guidelines for typography, colour palette, button styles, and other visual elements. Apply these guidelines consistently across all pages of your website. This consistency creates a seamless user experience and reinforces your brand's identity. It also helps users navigate the website with ease, knowing what to expect from page to page.

4. Mobile Responsiveness

Minimalist design naturally lends itself to responsive and mobile-friendly layouts. The emphasis on clean lines and essential elements aligns well with the challenges of designing for different screen sizes. As you implement your minimalist design, ensure that it translates seamlessly to mobile devices. Prioritise a responsive layout that maintains the same level of visual clarity and user-friendliness, regardless of the screen dimensions. This approach guarantees a positive user experience across all devices.

In a world inundated with information and distractions, minimalist web design emerges as a beacon of clarity and focus. It's a philosophy that champions the essential, prioritises the user experience, and fosters a sense of harmony between form and function. By embracing clean lines, thoughtful whitespace, and purposeful design elements, minimalist web design transforms digital spaces into inviting and intuitive experiences.

As you venture into the realm of web development, remember that minimalist design isn't about sacrificing creativity; it's about channeling creativity into purposeful choices. By understanding the principles, appreciating the philosophy, and implementing the best practices of minimalist design, you can create digital landscapes that resonate with users, elevate brands, and stand the test of time. The journey to harnessing the power of simplicity begins here – by embracing the elegance of minimalist web design.

Ready to transform your web presence with minimalist design? Contact us now to craft a visually captivating and user-friendly website.

Posted in Marketing, Website Design, Web Design Trends, Responsive Design

Responsive Web Design: Optimising Experiences Across Devices

Responsive web design has become a fundamental approach in today's digital landscape. With the diverse range of devices and screen sizes available to users, it's crucial to create websites that can adapt seamlessly to different platforms. Responsive design ensures that websites look and function optimally, providing a consistent user experience across devices.

In this article, we will explore the principles and benefits of responsive web design. We will delve into the significance of adopting a mobile-first approach, the advantages it offers over separate mobile and desktop versions, and how user behaviour varies across devices. We will also touch upon the importance of testing and optimisation, as well as common challenges faced in implementing responsive design.

Join us as we dive into the world of responsive web design and discover how it enhances accessibility, user experience, and overall success in today's multi-device world.

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web design is an approach to web development that aims to create websites capable of adapting and responding seamlessly to different devices and screen sizes. The principles of responsive design revolve around fluidity, flexibility, and content prioritisation.

3 Components of Responsive Web Design

1. Fluidity and Flexibility

Responsive design uses fluid grids and flexible layouts that allow elements on a web page to resize and reposition themselves based on the screen size of the device being used. This ensures that the content and design elements adjust proportionally, providing an optimal viewing experience.

2. Media Queries

Media queries are a fundamental component of responsive design. They allow developers to apply different styles and layout rules based on the characteristics of the device, such as screen width, resolution, and orientation. By using CSS media queries, specific styles can be targeted to create a tailored experience for each device.

3. Content Prioritisation

Responsive design involves organising and presenting content in a way that prioritises its importance and relevance across different devices. This ensures that users can access the most critical information without overwhelming them with unnecessary elements. Content prioritisation is achieved through thoughtful design decisions, such as adjusting font sizes, hiding non-essential elements, and repositioning content blocks.

Importance of Mobile-First Approach in Responsive Design

A mobile-first approach is a core principle of responsive web design, emphasising the importance of designing for mobile devices first and then progressively enhancing the experience for larger screens. This approach recognises the increasing dominance of mobile devices and the unique challenges they present.

Mobile usage is rapidly increasing: Statistics show that mobile devices account for a significant portion of internet traffic, with more people accessing websites on smartphones and tablets than on desktop computers. By prioritising mobile design, websites can cater to the growing mobile audience and provide an optimised experience.

User expectations: Mobile users have high expectations for a seamless and user-friendly experience on their devices. They expect websites to load quickly, have intuitive navigation, and display content in a readable format. By adopting a mobile-first approach, designers can ensure that the most critical features and content are prioritised for mobile users.

Google's mobile-first indexing: Google, the most popular search engine, has shifted to a mobile-first indexing approach, meaning that the mobile version of a website is considered the primary version for indexing and ranking. A mobile-first design not only improves user experience but also enhances search engine optimisation (SEO) by aligning with Google's indexing preferences.

5 Reasons You Need Responsive Design

1. Consistency across devices

Responsive design ensures a consistent brand experience and interface across different devices. Users can easily recognize and navigate a website, regardless of the device they use. This consistency builds trust and fosters familiarity, leading to better user engagement and conversions.

2. Cost and time efficiency

Developing and maintaining separate mobile and desktop versions of a website can be time-consuming and costly. Responsive design eliminates the need for duplicating efforts, as a single codebase can adapt to different devices. This saves development time, reduces maintenance efforts, and lowers overall costs.

3. Improved user experience

Responsive design optimises the user experience by adapting the content layout, font sizes, and navigation to suit each device's screen size and capabilities. Users can access information easily, read content comfortably, and interact intuitively, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement.

4. Better SEO performance

Having a responsive website eliminates the need for duplicate content across different versions, reducing the risk of content duplication penalties from search engines. Additionally, a responsive design provides a consistent URL structure, which consolidates the authority and ranking signals for SEO. As a result, responsive websites tend to perform better in search engine rankings.

5. Future-proofing

Technology is constantly evolving, and new devices with varying screen sizes and capabilities continue to emerge. Responsive design future-proofs websites by ensuring they can adapt and accommodate new devices without requiring significant redevelopment. It provides scalability and readiness for the evolving digital landscape.

How User Behaviour Varies Across Devices

User behaviour can significantly differ depending on the device they use. Understanding these variations is essential for delivering tailored experiences. Here are some key points to consider:

Device-specific tasks

Smartphones: Users often engage in quick, on-the-go activities like checking emails, messaging, and accessing social media.

Tablets: Users tend to consume media, play games, read e-books, and perform light productivity tasks.

Laptops/desktops: These devices are commonly used for complex tasks, work-related activities, and in-depth research.

Contextual factors

Location: Users may utilise smartphones more when they are outside their homes, whereas tablets and laptops are favoured in more comfortable settings.

Time of day: User behaviour may vary depending on the time of day, with smartphones being more prominent during commuting hours and evenings.

Content Consumption Patterns

Smaller screens: Smartphones require concise and easily scannable content, whereas tablets and laptops allow for more in-depth reading.

Visual content: Such as videos and images, may be more engaging on larger screens.

User Expectations

Users expect seamless transitions and consistency when switching between devices. They desire responsive websites that adapt to their chosen device's screen size and capabilities.

Using a Mobile-First Approach

Benefits of Starting the Design Process with Mobile Devices in Mind

Taking a mobile-first approach to design involves prioritising the needs and constraints of mobile users from the beginning. Here are the benefits of adopting a mobile-first mindset:

Focus on Core Content

By starting with mobile devices, designers are forced to prioritise the most essential content and functionality, resulting in streamlined and concise experiences.

Users on mobile devices often have limited attention spans and different goals compared to desktop users. Designing for mobile-first ensures that the core message is communicated effectively.

Improved Performance

Mobile devices typically have slower internet connections and less processing power than desktop computers.

Prioritising mobile optimisation leads to lighter and faster websites, benefiting users across all devices.

Progressive Enhancement

Starting with a mobile design allows for a foundation that can be enhanced with additional features and layout adjustments for larger screens.

This approach ensures a graceful progression, providing an optimal experience regardless of the device being used.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Dealing with Complex Layouts and Navigation Menus

Responsive design can pose challenges when dealing with complex layouts and navigation menus. Here are some solutions to address these challenges:

Simplify Navigation - Streamline navigation menus for smaller screens by using collapsible menus, hamburger icons, or off-canvas menus. Prioritise important navigation links and consider utilising breadcrumb navigation or sticky menus for improved accessibility.

Adaptive Layouts - Break down complex layouts into modular components that can be rearranged and stacked vertically on smaller screens. Utilise CSS grid or flexbox to create flexible and adaptive layouts that adjust to different screen sizes without sacrificing visual appeal.

Progressive disclosure - Implement progressive disclosure techniques to show or hide content based on user interactions, optimising the display of complex information on smaller screens. Use accordions, tabs, or expandable sections to allow users to reveal additional content as needed, keeping the initial layout uncluttered.

Responsive web design is crucial in our multi-device world. By adapting to different devices and screen sizes, it enhances user experience and accessibility. It prioritises fluidity, flexibility, and content optimisation.

In this article, we explored the benefits of a mobile-first approach, responsive design over separate versions, and user behaviour across devices. Testing, optimisation, and overcoming challenges were also discussed.

Responsive web design empowers businesses to deliver consistent experiences and adapt to the evolving digital landscape.

In summary, responsive design is a powerful tool for user-centric websites and long-term success in the digital realm.

Ready to unlock the power of responsive web design? Get in touch to start creating user-friendly, device-optimised websites today and revolutionise your online presence!

Posted in Responsive Design, Website Design

Demystifying Website Development

Web developer coding on a macbook laptop

In today's digital landscape, websites play a crucial role in online visibility, credibility, marketing, and customer convenience. As a client embarking on a website development project, it's essential to understand your role and the key aspects of the development process. This article aims to demystify website development, providing you with the knowledge you need to navigate the process and achieve a successful outcome.

Importance of websites in today's digital landscape

Online visibility: With millions of people using the internet daily, having a website ensures that your business or personal brand is discoverable by potential customers or clients.

Credibility and trust: A professionally designed website can build trust and credibility among your target audience, as it showcases your expertise, values, and achievements.

Marketing and lead generation: Websites serve as powerful marketing tools, enabling you to reach and engage with a wider audience. Through various online marketing techniques, you can drive traffic to your website and convert visitors into leads.

Customer convenience: Websites provide convenience to your customers by allowing them to access information, make purchases, or contact you at any time, from anywhere.

Your Role as The Client in Website Development

Defining objectives: As a client, it is crucial to clearly define your objectives and goals for the website. This includes identifying the purpose of the website, the target audience, and the desired outcomes you want to achieve.

Providing content and assets: Clients are responsible for providing the necessary content, such as text, images, videos, and branding assets, to be included on the website. This ensures that the website accurately represents the client's brand and aligns with their messaging.

Collaboration and feedback: Effective communication and collaboration with the web development team are vital throughout the process. Clients should actively participate in meetings, provide feedback on design concepts, and review the progress to ensure the website aligns with their vision.

Testing and feedback: Clients play a crucial role in testing the website's functionality, usability, and compatibility across different devices and browsers. Providing comprehensive feedback during the testing phase helps in identifying any issues or improvements required before the final launch.

Overview of the website development life cycle

The website development process follows a systematic approach known as the website development life cycle. It consists of several phases that guide the creation and implementation of a website. Here's a brief overview of the typical website development life cycle:

1. Planning 

This initial phase involves gathering requirements, defining goals, and creating a project plan. It includes activities like conducting market research, identifying target audience, and outlining the website's structure and functionalities.

2. Design 

In this phase, the visual and interactive elements of the website are developed. It includes creating wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to visualise the layout, navigation, and user experience. Design elements such as colours, typography, and imagery are also considered.

3. Development

This is the phase where the website's technical aspects come into play. Web developers write code, integrate functionalities, and create interactive elements. They work with programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and backend technologies to build the website's foundation.

4. Content Creation 

Content plays a crucial role in engaging and informing website visitors. During this phase, content writers create and optimise the website's textual content, while graphic designers and multimedia specialists work on creating visuals, videos, and other media elements.

5. Testing and Quality Assurance

Once the website is developed, it goes through rigorous testing to identify and fix any bugs, errors, or compatibility issues. Testing includes checking functionalities, responsiveness, browser compatibility, performance, and security.

6. Deployment and Launch

After successful testing and client approval, the website is deployed to the live environment. This involves transferring the website's files to a web server and configuring domain and hosting settings. It ensures that the website is accessible to the public.

7. Maintenance and Updates 

Once the website is launched, it requires ongoing maintenance and updates. This includes monitoring performance, fixing bugs, adding new features, and keeping the website's content up to date.

Defining Your Website Goals and Requirements

Identify the purpose and target audience of the website

Before diving into website development, it's crucial to clearly identify the purpose and target audience of your website. Ask yourself:

  1. What is the primary goal of the website? Is it to generate leads, sell products, provide information, or showcase a portfolio?
  2. Who is your target audience? What are their demographics, interests, and needs? Understanding your audience will help you tailor the website's design, content, and functionality to meet their expectations.

Determine the desired features and functionalities

Once you have a clear understanding of your website's purpose and target audience, it's time to determine the desired features and functionalities. Consider the following:

  1. Essential pages - Identify the core pages your website should have, such as a homepage, about us, products/services, contact, and any specific pages relevant to your industry or niche.
  2. Interactive elements - Determine if you need features like contact forms, live chat support, e-commerce capabilities, social media integration, or multimedia elements such as videos or image galleries.
  3. Content management - Decide if you want to be able to update and manage your website's content yourself. In that case, consider using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal.
  4. SEO considerations - If search engine visibility is important, think about incorporating SEO-friendly elements like optimised URLs, meta tags, and the ability to easily edit page titles and descriptions.

Set realistic timelines and budgets

To ensure a smooth website development process, it's essential to set realistic timelines and budgets. Consider the following:

  1. Timelines - valuate how long each phase of the development process might take, considering factors such as design, development, content creation, and testing. Be mindful of potential dependencies and allow for buffer time to accommodate unexpected delays.
  2. Budget - determine your budget for website development, including costs for design, development, content creation, hosting, domain registration, and ongoing maintenance. Research the market rates and discuss the budget with potential web development partners to ensure alignment.
  3. Prioritisation - if you have a limited budget or tight timeline, prioritise the features and functionalities that are essential for your website's initial launch. You can always add more features and improvements later as your website evolves.

Choose the Right Web Development Partner

Choosing the right web development partner is crucial for the success of your website project. Here are some key steps to consider:

Research and evaluate web development agencies or freelancers

  1. Conduct thorough research: Start by researching web development agencies or freelancers online. Look for companies or individuals with a strong reputation and a track record of delivering quality websites.
  2. Seek recommendations: Reach out to colleagues, friends, or other business owners who have recently worked with web developers. Their recommendations can provide valuable insights and help you narrow down your options.
  3. Consider specialisation: Evaluate if the web development partner specialises in the type of website you need. Some developers might have expertise in e-commerce, while others might focus on corporate websites or specific industries.

Assess their expertise, portfolio, and client testimonials

  1. Expertise and experience: Review the expertise and experience of potential web development partners. Consider factors such as the number of years in the industry, technical skills, and their understanding of modern web development practices and technologies.
  2. Portfolio: Examine their portfolio to get an idea of their design aesthetics, user experience (UX), and technical capabilities. Look for examples of websites that align with your vision and objectives.
  3. Client testimonials and reviews: Check for client testimonials or reviews on their website, social media platforms, or third-party review websites. Feedback from previous clients can provide insights into the web developer's professionalism, communication, and project management skills.

Consider factors like communication, project management, and support

  1. Communication: Effective communication is essential for a successful collaboration. Evaluate how responsive and proactive the web development partner is during the initial communication phase. Clear and timely communication is crucial to ensure your requirements are understood and implemented correctly.
  2. Project management approach: Inquire about their project management approach. Do they use project management tools, conduct regular meetings, or provide progress reports? A structured project management approach ensures transparency, accountability, and a smooth development process.
  3. Support and maintenance: Inquire about post-launch support and maintenance options. Websites require regular updates, bug fixes, and security patches. Ensure that the web development partner offers ongoing support and maintenance services to keep your website secure and up to date.

Collaborate with Your Web Development Team

Client meeting

Collaboration between you and your web development team is essential for a successful website project. Here are key aspects to consider for effective collaboration:

Establish effective communication channels

Regular communication - maintain open and regular communication with your web development team throughout the project. Set up communication channels such as email, phone calls, video conferencing, or project management tools to ensure timely and effective communication.

Clarify expectations - Clearly communicate your goals, requirements, and expectations to the development team. Provide comprehensive briefs and documentation to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Participate in the planning and design phase

Active involvement - participate actively in the planning and design phase of the project. Collaborate with the team to define the website's structure, features, and design elements. Share your insights, ideas, and preferences to help shape the website according to your vision.

User feedback and usability testing - provide user feedback and participate in usability testing sessions. Your perspective as a client and end-user is valuable in refining the user experience and identifying any usability issues.

Provide timely feedback and approvals

Timely response - respond to queries, requests for feedback, and design proposals in a timely manner. Delayed responses can cause project delays and hinder the development team's progress.

Clear and constructive feedback - provide clear and constructive feedback on design concepts, content, and functionality. This helps the development team understand your preferences and make necessary adjustments.

Prompt approvals - Review and approve deliverables promptly to maintain project momentum. Delays in approvals can impact the project timeline and lead to unnecessary rework.

Testing and quality assurance (QA) process

Active involvement in testing - participate in the testing phase to identify and report any issues or bugs. Provide thorough feedback on functionalities, responsiveness, and compatibility across different devices and browsers.

User acceptance testing (UAT) - conduct UAT to ensure that the website meets your expectations and requirements. Test various scenarios, user journeys, and functionalities to validate the website's performance.

Collaboration on bug fixing - collaborate with the development team in resolving identified issues and bugs. Clearly communicate the problems you encounter, and work together to find appropriate solutions.

4 Tips for a Smooth Website Development Experience

To ensure a smooth website development experience as a client, here are some valuable tips to keep in mind:

  1. Clearly communicate your requirements and expectations
    Provide a comprehensive project brief that clearly outlines your goals, target audience, desired features, and design preferences. Make sure to clearly communicate your expectations regarding timelines, budget, and deliverables. Be realistic about what can be achieved within the given constraints, and maintain open communication if any adjustments are needed.
  2. Regularly review and provide feedback during the development process Establish regular checkpoints throughout the development process to review progress and provide feedback. Provide timely and constructive feedback on design concepts, functionality, and content. Clearly articulate what works well and what may need improvement, while also considering the technical expertise and creative insights of the development team.
  3. Collaborate and maintain a good working relationship with the development teamMaintain open and respectful communication with the development team. Encourage regular updates, ask questions, and seek clarification when needed. View the development team as partners in the process. Collaborate on decisions, brainstorm ideas, and leverage their expertise to ensure the best possible outcome for your website. Clear communication builds trust and helps avoid misunderstandings.
  4. Stay involved and informed throughout the projectStay engaged and involved throughout the website development process. Attend meetings, provide prompt feedback, and actively participate in discussions to ensure your vision is accurately translated into the final product. Request regular updates from the development team to stay informed about the progress of the project. This helps you stay in the loop and address any concerns or questions that arise.

Website development can be a complex process, but by understanding your role as a client and the key elements involved, you can navigate it with confidence. Clear communication, active collaboration, and staying involved throughout the project are crucial for a successful outcome. Remember to define your goals, provide timely feedback, and maintain a good working relationship with your development team. By following these tips, you'll be well-equipped to embark on a smooth and successful website development journey.

Get in touch with us at Activate to get your new website underway!

Posted in Website Design, Responsive Design

The Benefits of a Custom Designed Website

typing on a laptop computer

In today's digital age, having a robust online presence is essential for businesses to thrive and succeed. Consumers turn to the internet to discover, research and engage with brands. So your website serves as the virtual face of your business. And it is your first impression for your potential customers. This plays a pivotal role in shaping their perception of your brand. Investing in a customised website design means it will be tailored for your specific business and your brand. Rather than your business and brand shoved into a generic template like so many web companies use. 

In this article, we will explore the benefits of a custom-built and designed website and why it is the best choice for businesses in today's competitive landscape.


What is a custom-built and designed website

A custom-built and designed website is a one tailored to specific requirements. The alternative is a web-template; a pre-designed layout with pre-defined space for undefined content. 

Unlike pre-made templates or generic website builders, a custom website is developed from scratch and tailored to reflect the business's unique brand identity, values, and objectives. 

It involves a collaborative process between the business owner, skilled web designers, and developers, who work closely to create a fully personalised online presence. 

Every aspect, from the layout, colour scheme, and typography to the functionality and user interface, is carefully designed and optimised to align with the brand's vision and deliver an exceptional user experience. 

With a custom website, businesses are showcased in the optimal way. Presenting their brand they best way possible rather than shoved into pre-defined spaces that don't suit. 
It's basically the difference between having a new suit or wedding dress tailor made vs ordering something from Temu or Wish. 


The benefits of custom-built and designed website:

Unique Brand Identity:

A custom-designed website allows for a unique and tailored look that aligns with your brand identity. Templates are often used by multiple users, resulting in similar or identical designs. A custom design ensures that your website stands out and reflects the uniqueness of your brand.

Tailored Functionality:

Custom-designed websites can be built with specific functionalities and features that cater to your business requirements. Templates may have limitations in terms of customization and may not support the exact features you need.

Optimized Performance:

Custom designs enable developers to optimize the website for performance. This includes faster loading times, efficient code, and a better overall user experience. Generic templates might have unnecessary code or features that can impact performance negatively.


Custom websites are more scalable, allowing for future expansion and integration of new features as your business grows. A template might not provide the flexibility needed for future changes and enhancements.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Custom websites can be optimized for search engines based on specific SEO strategies. This is often more challenging with generic templates, which may have limitations in terms of SEO customization.

Responsive Design:

Custom designs can be created with responsiveness in mind, ensuring that the website looks and functions well across various devices and screen sizes. While some templates are responsive, they may not provide the level of control needed for a seamless user experience.


Custom websites can be built with security in mind, incorporating best practices to protect against vulnerabilities. Templates may not prioritize security features, potentially exposing your website to security risks.

User Experience (UX):

Custom designs allow for a more personalized and user-centric approach to UX design. This can result in a website that is intuitive, easy to navigate, and tailored to the preferences of your target audience.

Ownership and Control:

With a custom-designed website, you have full ownership and control over the code, design, and functionality. Template-based solutions may come with restrictions on customization and ownership rights.

Long-Term Cost Efficiency:

While the initial cost of a custom-designed website may be higher, it can be more cost-effective in the long run. Custom websites are often easier to maintain and update, reducing ongoing costs compared to templates that may require constant adjustments.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Why is it important?

  • Search engine optimisation (SEO) is crucial for improving your website's visibility and driving organic traffic from search engines. 
  • This includes optimising on-page elements such as headings, image alt tags, and internal linking structure to improve keyword relevance and overall crawlability for search engines.
  • By considering SEO from the start and integrating it into the design process, you can ensure your website is well-optimised and search engine friendly.

How are custom websites better for SEO?

  • A customised website design provides a solid foundation for effective SEO. By working closely with web designers and developers, you can ensure that your website is built with SEO best practices in mind. 
  • Custom design allows for the optimisation of technical elements such as site structure, mobile responsiveness, and page loading speed, which are critical ranking factors for search engines. 
  • Additionally, a customised design allows for creating SEO-friendly URLs, meta tags, and structured data, further enhancing your website's visibility in search engine results pages.


Why is it important?

  • Businesses evolve and grow over time, and your website needs to keep up with these changes. 
  • A custom website design provides the flexibility to adapt to the changing needs of your business.
  • Whether you're introducing new products or services, expanding into new markets, or repositioning your brand, a custom design allows you to make necessary adjustments to your website without limitations. 
  • By having a website that can grow and evolve alongside your business, you can ensure that it remains relevant and effective in meeting your goals.

How do custom websites allow you to scale more easily?

  • Scalability is a crucial aspect of a successful online presence. As your business expands, your website should be able to accommodate increased traffic, content, and functionality. 
  • Custom website design offers the advantage of scalability, allowing you to quickly scale up your website's infrastructure, such as server capacity and database management, to handle growing demands. 
  • A custom design also enables future modifications and enhancements to be implemented seamlessly without disrupting the overall functionality and user experience. Whether it's adding new features, integrating third-party tools, or improving performance, a custom website design provides the flexibility to evolve with your business.

Security and Performance

Why is it important?

  • Website security is of paramount importance. With increasing cybersecurity threats and data breaches, businesses need to prioritise the security of their websites. 
  • A single security breach can have severe consequences, including compromised customer data, damaged reputation, and financial loss. 
    Highlight the importance of website security by discussing the potential risks businesses face and the impact it can have on their operations.
  • Emphasise the need for robust security measures to protect sensitive information, build trust with customers, and comply with data protection regulations.

How are custom websites more secure?

  • A custom website design allows for a proactive approach to security. By working with experienced web developers, businesses can implement tailored security measures based on their specific needs and requirements. 
  • Custom designs enable the integration of advanced security features such as SSL certificates, encrypted data transmission, secure user authentication systems, and regular security audits. 
  • Additionally, custom designs allow for rigorous code reviews, vulnerability testing, and timely security updates, ensuring that the website stays protected against emerging threats.

How are custom websites better performing?

  • Website performance and loading speed are critical factors that impact user experience and search engine rankings. 
  • Custom website design allows for optimising performance by carefully crafting the website's architecture, code structure, and asset optimisation. 
  • Custom designs enable developers to minimise unnecessary code, leverage caching mechanisms, and optimise image sizes, resulting in faster loading times.


Are custom websites more expensive?

  • There is a common misconception that custom website design is expensive, deterring some businesses from considering it as an option. 
  • However, it's essential to address this misconception and highlight the value and long-term cost-effectiveness of a custom design. 
  • Custom website design offers tailored solutions specifically crafted to meet your business objectives and target audience. 
  • While the initial investment may be higher compared to template-based designs, the benefits and savings, in the long run, outweigh the upfront costs.

How are custom websites more cost-effective in the long run?

  • A custom website design brings several long-term cost benefits. A custom design ensures scalability and flexibility, allowing your website to grow and evolve as your business expands. 
  • This eliminates the need for frequent redesigns or extensive modifications, which can be costly. 
  • Additionally, a custom design provides better performance, optimised code, and streamlined functionality, reducing maintenance and hosting expenses over time. 
  • Custom designs are also more durable, built with the latest web standards and technologies, ensuring longevity and compatibility with future updates.

In summary, while generic templates can be a quick and affordable solution, a custom-designed website offers greater flexibility, uniqueness, and long-term benefits that align closely with specific business needs and objectives.

Looking for experienced custom web designer and developers in Christchurch? View our portfolio here and get in contact with us today!

Posted in Marketing, Web Design Trends, Website Design, Responsive Design

Customising the E-commerce Experience

making a online purchase on a laptop

In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, businesses are increasingly recognizing the significance of personalization as a key driver of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Personalization goes beyond mere transactional interactions; it involves understanding the unique preferences, behaviors, and needs of individual shoppers to deliver a tailored and memorable online experience. In this article, we delve into the world of personalization in e-commerce and explore its impact on customer engagement, conversion rates, and long-term brand loyalty.

So, what is personalisation in e-commerce?

Personalization in e-commerce refers to the process of tailoring a user's online experience based on their preferences, past interactions, and demographic information. This can manifest in various forms, such as personalized product recommendations, customized content, targeted marketing messages, and adaptive website interfaces.

Personalized Product Recommendations:

E-commerce platforms leverage algorithms and machine learning to analyze a user's browsing and purchase history, offering personalized product recommendations. This not only enhances the customer's shopping experience but also increases the likelihood of additional purchases.

Dynamic Content Customization:

Tailoring website content based on a user's preferences and behaviors creates a more engaging and relevant experience. This can include personalized landing pages, customized banners, and targeted promotions that resonate with individual customers.

Behavioral Targeting:

Analyzing user behavior on an e-commerce site allows businesses to segment customers into specific groups. This segmentation enables the delivery of targeted marketing messages, special offers, and promotions to different customer segments, increasing the chances of conversion.

Personalized Email Campaigns:

Personalization extends to email marketing, where businesses can craft personalized and targeted email campaigns based on a customer's purchase history, preferences, and browsing habits. This approach fosters a sense of connection and encourages repeat business.

group of girls outside talking amongst themselves


The Impact of Personalization

Enhanced Customer Experience:

Personalization creates a more enjoyable and efficient shopping experience. When customers feel that a platform understands their preferences and needs, they are more likely to engage with the brand and make repeat purchases.

Increased Conversion Rates:

By presenting customers with products and content that align with their interests, personalization significantly boosts conversion rates. A tailored shopping experience reduces decision fatigue and guides users towards products that are more likely to meet their expectations.

Improved Customer Loyalty:

Personalization fosters a sense of loyalty as customers appreciate the effort invested in understanding their preferences. Repeat purchases and brand advocacy become more likely when customers feel a strong connection with the brand.

Reduced Cart Abandonment:

Personalized reminders, such as abandoned cart emails featuring items left in the shopping cart, can prompt customers to complete their purchases. This proactive approach helps reduce cart abandonment rates and recover potentially lost sales.

Optimized Marketing ROI:

Targeted marketing efforts result in a more efficient use of resources. By focusing on personalized campaigns, businesses can optimize their return on investment (ROI) as they are more likely to resonate with the intended audience.


Challenges and Considerations

While personalization offers numerous benefits, businesses must navigate challenges such as privacy concerns, data security, and the need for transparent communication. Striking the right balance between personalization and respecting user privacy is crucial to building trust and maintaining a positive brand image.


In the competitive realm of e-commerce, personalization emerges as a powerful tool for creating meaningful connections with customers. By harnessing data-driven insights and leveraging technology, businesses can craft personalized experiences that not only meet but exceed customer expectations. The journey towards a more personalized e-commerce landscape is ongoing, with advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning continuing to redefine the possibilities of tailoring the online shopping journey. As businesses embrace the era of personalization, they pave the way for stronger customer relationships, increased loyalty, and sustained success in the dynamic e-commerce landscape.

Posted in Marketing, Website Design

A Guide to eCommerce Web Design - Landing Page

The terms “landing page” and “product page” are often used interchangeably in the ecommerce sector, but they couldn’t be more different.  Landing pages are incredibly important. They provide the opportunity to target a specific audience as part of a larger marketing campaign.

This article will explain the differences between landing pages & product pages, how they play a role in ecommerce success, and how to design a landing page for high conversion rates and maximum revenue.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone page that a visitor “lands” on after clicking  a link in a specific marketing or advertising campaign. Optimised for high conversion rates and personalised to a particular audience segment, landing pages aim to accomplish just one goal in a campaign – move the customer further along in their journey. 

When a visitor clicks on a link they are directed to the landing page which provides exactly what the customer expected. For example if they clicked on a link that was provided in an email marketing campaign for 40% of a certain product or service the landing page would provide exactly that.

Wait… Isn’t that a Product Page?

Landing Page Versus Product Page

Although product pages are often used as landing pages, they are not the same. Landing pages are designed to move a particular customer or audience segment further along in the buying process whereas product pages are only intended for purchase decisions.  

Consider this: If you were to drive paid traffic from social media to a product page, the conversion rate would likely be extremely low and the campaign would be ineffective. But if users were instead driven to a landing page where they could submit their email for a discount code or more information, the conversion rate would likely be much higher down the road.

In fact, studies suggest that visitors who land directly on product pages are 72% more likely to bounce than those who land on a personalised landing page.

The landing page is designed to fulfil a single purpose for a single customer in a specific marketing campaign. Landing pages removes unnecessary distractions so that the customer reaches the desired goal and provides one offer.

The product page is designed to provide all the information about a product/service in a much broader sense to cater to a wider variety of visitors. Unlike the landing page, the product page provides a variety of different actions for the visitor to take with multiple CTA’s and links where more information can be found.

Why Does My Ecommerce Site Need a Landing Page?

To Increase Revenue

High-quality landing pages are guaranteed to increase your ecommerce revenue with higher conversion rates, increased AOV, and greater customer retention. 

You don’t want a customer looking for a beanie being directed to a category page for winter clothing as this does not show them exactly what they want. 

To Maximise Conversion Rate 

Landing pages should only have one CTA! There is only one goal for the landing page and that is to move the customer to the next phase of the customer journey, so you only need ONE CTA. 

Adding other links or information risks distracting the user from the goal, crushing your conversion rates and harming the campaign.

To Generate Leads

The more landing pages the more new leads will be generated! More landing pages = more conversion opportunities 

Companies with 10-15 landing pages see a 55% increase in leads shown in a study by Hubspot.

To Target Specific Audience Segments

Landing pages provide the opportunity to target a very specific audience. A landing page targeting Gen Z (1996 - 2010) would look completely different to a landing page target Gen X (1965 - 1980).

Personalized landing pages increase conversion rates because customers feel like they’re being catered to rather than just being sold products.

For example, a stationery brand would not want to target a full time worker with an offer catered to a student with a student discount or similar. Likewise a student between the ages of 18 - 21 doesn’t want to be targeted with a gold card offer.

To Learn More About Their Customer Behaviour

Landing pages provide a fantastic opportunity for A/B testing to find out exactly what works with a specific target market and what doesn't.

For example, two landing pages with the same offer could have slightly different headlines, CTAs, or images but one might convert far better than the other. The more you test, the more you’ll understand their behaviour. Remember to only test one variation at a time to avoid skewing results. 

What Makes a Great Landing Page?

Cut The Clutter, Design a Clean Page

Cut the clutter. Your landing page only has one goal, don’t over complicate it. Place the primary CTA so that it is clear and visible above the fold. Use colours that draw attention to the most important details on the page - CTA, Offer, Offer End Date 

Sell your high-quality product with high-quality content

The landing pages on your Ecommerce website are like windows in the shop. Customers are more likely to enter a store with a 50% off sign in the window than a shop with no sale or decor.

Use high quality images which draw your target customer in and allude to the quality of your product/service.

Clearly Define the CTA

Your CTA button is the most important button on the landing page. The visitor shouldn’t have to put any effort into finding it. Use contrasting colours to make it easy to spot and copy that makes it irresistible to click.

Focus On Your Target Audience

One of the features that differentiates landing pages from other pages on your ecommerce website is that landing pages are created for specific target markets.

The value proposition on the landing page needs to be crafted specifically for the audience segment being targeted.

Offer Social Proof & Case Studies

Showcase the best reviews from customers to increase social proof and build trust with the target audience to make the offer seem more desirable.

How Do You Design a Landing Page?

Landing Page Structure

Write a great headline - the visitor to your landing page should be instantly interested in your offer. Make it irresistible yet concise.

Add high-quality images & graphics  - this is your opportunity to really make the visitor feel like they are having a personalised experience. Use the high quality images that you cannot use in general marketing!

Center the content around one CTA - the landing page is for one offer so use one clear CTA, they either want it or they don’t.

Write in short, concise sentences - you should include a brief yet powerful description that entices the visitor to click on the CTA.

Add social share buttons (If Applicable) - if it makes sense for the landing page, include social sharing buttons so that visitors can share the offer with their friends and family. Be careful though, these buttons could distract users from the main goal. 

Landing Page Layout

Most visitors to your landing page won't read everything you’ve written so make sure to make the most important parts stand out!

Keep the most important information above the fold… this means anything that a visitor NEEDS to see should be available on the screen without having to scroll down.

A visitor to your landing page should be able easily find what the offer is and the CTA in less than five seconds.

Only have one offer per landing page! Landing pages that use more than one offer/CTA get 255% fewer leads than landing pages with one offer.

How Can I Improve My Landing page?

A/B Testing

Due to the unique ability of a landing page to be shown to a very specific audience, there is a lot of potential for A/B testing to find out what works and what doesn't. 

This means having the same offer but two different page designs or layouts to figure out what works best for that specific audience.

Irresistible Offers

Even if the landing page is extremely well designed using high quality images and catchy on brand copy if the offer isn't irresistible you can’t expect to convert.

An offer is irresistible when there is a limited amount of time or number available. Another way to make an offer irresistible is for the offer itself to be marketed as a once in a lifetime never again will this offer be available again.

It is the irresistible offer on your landing page which at the end of the day will create a sense of urgency in the visitor and lead to conversion.

Creative Copy and Images

Using your brand voice and being creative in your copywriting and CTA’s can help significantly increase conversions. Simply adding personality by changing the copy on a CTA from “buy now” to “I want it” can make all the difference and liven up your landing page.

The same goes for the images your use on your landing page. Stay away from manufacturers' photos and take your own. The landing page is aimed at a specific target market so use photos of someone within the target marketing using your product or service.

In Conclusion

Landing pages are important, so make sure that you are making the most of them on your ecommerce site. The more landing pages you have the more opportunity there is for new leads, so do not hesitate to add new ones wherever possible to cater to specific audiences. 


Posted in Marketing, Responsive Design, Website Design

A Guide to eCommerce Web Design - Product Page

The product page is arguably the most important page on any eCommerce website. This is where visitors decide whether or not your product is worth their money. 

When done well, your product page can convert those same visitors into customers, generating steady sales for your business.  

This article will cover the importance of a product page, what to include on your product page, and how to design your product page. Using these tips will help facilitate in inspiring customers to click the checkout button, purchase your product and hopefully leave a 5 star review! 

What is a product page?

The product page is the page on your website which displays your product and all of the information about your product to help facilitate the customer in their decision making process. This includes images of the product, along with specs and answers to questions they may have.

Goals of a product page

Simply put, the goal of a product page is to convert a customer from considering, to purchasing your product. Here’s how to accomplish this goal: 

  • Make it visually appealing - The first thing a potential visitor will notice is how your page looks, this includes the quality of your product images! Images are essential to 93% of customers in the decision making process.
  • Write an informative & persuasive product description - Product photos can’t describe everything about the product. A great product description details features and benefits of buying or owning the product. 
  • Keep it simple - You don't want a complicated process to be the reason you lose a sale. 76% of customers say that the most important part of a website is that it’s easy to navigate. Make sure your product page has a fast load time and is easy to use on mobile, desktop, and tablet.
  • Show social proof - You can say your product is fantastic but why should a customer believe you? It is your product! Providing social proof through reviews shows the customer that real people also love your product, and customers trust reviews 12 times more than product descriptions! 
  • Make it accessible - Your product is likely not just of value to able bodied people but is valuable to disabled people too. It is important to create a product page that is accessible to everyone, including the visually impaired.
  • Create a sense of urgency - Sales can be increased by 332% when your product has a sense of urgency. Running low on stock? Let the customer know! Have a sale ending in 24 hours? Put a countdown next to the product price.

What is the purpose of the product page?

For the seller

The purpose of a product page is to persuade the customer that they need your product. To do so, you have to present the right information above the fold, forcing them to scroll down and view the rest of the page.

1. Clearly define the product

Describe the product in a short snappy way that gives the customer confidence in the product they are buying - What does the product look like? How big is it? What is it made of? What colour is it?

Does the product include anything that could make your product more valuable to the customer? - If it’s battery operated, does it include batteries? Extra accessories such as a charger? Does it come with a warranty?

One of the most important pieces of information to the visitor… How much does it cost? You can have an incredible product but you will not convert if the customer does not know how much it is - Is it on sale? Is there a discount the more you purchase? How much is one? Is shipping free?

How does it work?  - How do you use the product? Are there different use cases? Who is it made for? 

Check out this one from Party Pastries, which clearly explains what the customer can expect with their purchase. 

macarons ecommerce example

2. Establish trust 

Social proof is vital! Having a great product description is fantastic, but if the  reviews don’t align with how the product is described, they’ll never buy it. 

Have an influencer that mentions loving your product in their latest YouTube video or TikTok. 61% of consumers say they trust influencer recommendations –  leverage this and link any influencer marketing on your product page!

3. Align with the buyer’s goals

Why would you buy a product you don’t need? You wouldn’t. Create an environment on your product page that persuades the visitor that they need your product. 
Show how owning your product can help your customer solve their pain point, satisfy their craving, or achieve a certain goal. 

4. Get them to the checkout page

You can have an outstanding product page, but if there is no obvious way to checkout, how do you expect to have any conversions? It’s your job to make your customers' lives easier, not to give them a treasure hunt!

Include a call to action (CTA)  above the fold such as “add to basket” or “get this deal” that directs the customer to the checkout page. Be original with your CTAs; they don't have to be formal.

For the buyer

When someone visits your product page it is likely that it is because they need to solve a problem or satisfy a desire

Just talking about the features of your product is not enough. You need to discuss how and when the features of your product will fulfil the problem your customer is having.

If a photographer is looking to upskill, simply telling the photographer to take your online course is not enough. You need to tell them what they will learn in your course, how it will help them improve their photography, and ultimately, make them more money.  This speaks to the need of feeling superior to their competitors.

If a customer has been sunburnt and they are looking for relief, they don't just want to hear the ingredients in your product. The customer wants to know how the ingredients in your product provide relief and how soon they can expect results.

What should be on a product page?

Craft a creative & descriptive product title

Yes, you want such a juicy product title that your customers struggle to resist clicking on the product…But, you can’t mislead them.

If you tempt the customer with a clickbait-worthy title, they might click on the product. But they’ll be left frustrated and you run the risk of losing many potential customers because of your deceit. 

If you don’t have value to offer, don’t offer value. It’s that simple!

Use high-quality images

UGC can be fantastic, especially when it is high quality content. If possible, leverage content from powerful influencers in your target market. 

Don’t use the stock or manufacturer photos. Take your own photos and make sure they are high quality! 

Some consumers find it easier to visualise using your product when they can see others using it. Include pictures of people using your product or better yet a video of someone using your product.

Write informative & persuasive product descriptions

Most of the time there is no need to write like you are selling to the queen. Write as if you are selling to a friend. It may feel unprofessional at first but to the customer it comes off as genuine.

You want the customer to feel as though they will be missing out if they don’t purchase your product. For example if you are trying to sell a new easy up tent say something along the lines of “Don’t be the one to miss out on toasting marshmallows because your tent took twice as long as everyone else's to put up.”

If they can’t imagine buying or having the product, they’ll never buy it. The description should complement the images in a way that the customer can imagine themselves owning the product.

Check out this one from Dematech.

dermatech product description example

Add a compelling CTA

The goal of a eCommerce product page is to sell a product. To make that happen, your product page needs a clear CTA . 

And this isn’t limited just to the “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now” buttons… You can create a CTA in your product description, with the button click serving as the ultimate action.

Be creative and use your brand voice when creating CTA’s so that you can stand out from your competitors.

Just like we want our product descriptions irresistible to click on (without clickbait) make your CTA’s irresistible too! 

Create trust with social proof

Use trust badges, these let customers know that you are a legitimate brand. Not only are they taking a risk in buying your product online as a first time buyer but they are putting their credit card details into your website.

Just like you are more likely to buy a certain product or brand if it has been recommended to you by a friend, reviews and testimonials act as your customers' online friends.

Reply to those reviews whether they are good or bad. This lets customers know that as a brand you are listening and care what customers think – putting in the work to prevent future issues.

Although it may be tempting to just delete the bad reviews, it is unrealistic for every customer to have a 5 star experience. The key is to be transparent.

Add creative, yet intuitive symbols to draw attention to certain benefits

Website visitors are naturally drawn to symbols, so use these to highlight important features or benefits of your product. 

symbols to help describe products

KeAloha uses symbols to highlight how their products help protect the oceans.  

Include other important information to eliminate any doubt

Customers like to put in the least amount of work possible, so you want to make sure that all of the information a customer may want before making a purchase is available on your product page. If they have to search elsewhere for more information, it’s unlikely that they’ll come back to your site.

The product description is meant to influence them. But ultimately, people want to know exactly what they’re buying. Let them know what’s included with the product, how it works, and how it satisfies their needs & cravings. 

Include a list of commonly asked questions about the product so that customers can quickly find the answer they’re looking for. 

From a few photographs and a short description, it can be hard to gauge the size of the product. Include dimensions for relevant products such as clothing, shoes, and furniture. 

What information does the customer need to know about the shipping of the product? Is it free? How long will it take? Let them know.

Encourage social sharing

Social sharing icons such as  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest should be added to the product page so that customers can easily share the link to anyone they have recommended the product to.

Offer similar products

If the visitor is interested in this product, they’re going to buy it. But if they are not interested, recommending similar products is a great way to keep them on your site, potentially resulting in the purchase of another product.

How to design a product page

Now, it's finally time to design that product page. But how do you get started? 

Get inspired

Have a look at what others are doing! What product pages are your favourites as a consumer? What do they do well and what do you think they could be doing better?

It is great to check out others in your niche, sometimes there are already great ideas out there that you can adapt and make even better.

Design a simple, intuitive layout

You may think that having a lot of words so that you can give the customer every single detail imaginable is a good thing. But, you should keep your information as concise and nicely presented as possible so as to not overwhelm the customer.

Website visitors don’t read every single word on a webpage. Instead, they efficiently scan the page, doing the least amount of work in order to achieve their goal. But, not all users scan the same.

Design the page with the rest of the site in mind. Keep logos, colours, fonts, and image styles consistent across all pages. 

Place the most important information above the fold – this is what the customer first sees when they arrive at your product page. The information above the fold should be enticing enough to convince the customer to scroll down to find out more.

The layout of your product page should provide a seamless uncomplicated experience no matter whether it is being viewed on mobile, tablet, or laptop.

The website should load fast enough that the customer does not notice having to sit and wait for it to load. Ideally, this should be under 2 seconds.

Now, repeat it

The great thing about product pages is that although there are a lot of them to create, you can make a template from the first one and then just duplicate it for your other products. Just swap out the title, descriptions, and images as needed.

Now, whenever you have a new product, the page layout is already complete. This will save you so much time as your business grows and you add more products to your site. 

Test, analyse, and make changes as needed

In a perfect world, you’ll design a high-converting product page that generates thousands of dollars in sales. But in a more realistic world, you’ll likely have to design and test multiple different layouts.

See what’s working and what isn’t – just because it worked for another brand does not mean it will work for your brand. And after enough iterations, you’ll have the perfect product page for your audience.


The product page determines whether or not your website visitors will become customers.  So, it’s important to design a product page that influences them to make a purchase.  Follow the tips in this guide and turn your product from something your customers want to something they need.

Or, if you're looking for a professional web design team, we're always happy to help. Get in touch with us today.

Posted in Website Design

7 Steps to Your Dream Website

a web design team discussing how to create the perfect website

In addition to yourself and social media profiles, your website is often the face of your business. That's why, at Activate Design, we want to build you something beautiful. 

Through the entire process, we'll work with you on everything from copywriting to web design to hosting and everything in between. 

So let's dive in, and you can see for yourself how easy it is to build the website of your dreams.


We'll first discuss your goals for the website: necessary features & integrations, target audience and more. We then propose a site that would suit you. We have developed our own CMS (Content Management System) which is the background system that runs a website, and we have created this to meet the needs of clients who need a user-friendly website that will allow them to make changes to their website themselves with ease and efficiency.

Types of Websites Available

A Simple, View-Only Website

If you just need to provide information about an upcoming event, product launch, or store opening, a simple view-only website is the perfect solution. Additionally, it can serve as a landing page for Google Ads or social media ads. 

Advanced, High-Performance CMS Website

Our most popular option, a new, high-performance website can be the facelift your business needs. Once completed, our CMS interface makes it easy for you to add new pages, blogs, and more. And don't worry, we'll provide in-depth training on how to use the CMS so you can edit your website confidently. 

eCommerce Website

If you're looking to sell physical or digital products online, you'll need an eCommerce website to do so. With the same high-performance features as our popular websites, our eCommerce solutions allow you to add, edit, and remove products, descriptions, stock levels, and more, directly in our CMS.


We want to build you the website of your dreams, and doing so may require a few meetings with our team to get things right. We need to determine how you want your site laid out, which colors you want to use, and more. Once we've mocked up your site, we can get started on the build.


Your domain name is your website's unique address on the internet. If you don't already own your domain name, we can help you pick one that fits your business. If you launch another business, or need a second domain for any reason, additional domain names can be added at any time.


With a domain name and a better understanding of your brand, our designers can get started on your website. Our talented design team will make your site come to life with a beautifully designed header, buttons & images that jump off the page, and more. 

And if you're looking to further upgrade your website with a new or improved logo, our designers can help with that too. 


A beautifully designed website is just the beginning. In order to grow your business, customers need to understand your business.

We'll introduce you to our copywriters, who will get to know you and your business inside out. They will then put pen to paper (figuratively), bringing your website to life with words. 

Our copywriters are seasoned SEO writers, meaning your content will be optimised for search engines, so that customers can find your business online. 

*Our copywriting services come at an additional cost, and are not included in the cost of building a website, unless discussed previously.*


Now that the designers & copywriters have created all of the written & visual content for your site, our programmers put it all together, ensuring consistency & functionality.

Down to the last detail, our programmers will properly size images, align navigation elements, and optimise your site to make sure it looks great on both desktop and mobile. 


Congratulations! With the final touches on your new website in place, you can celebrate.

With the help of social media, email marketing, search engines, and other marketing methods, you can start driving traffic to your new website and attract new customers. 

Posted in Website Design

5 reasons to hire a professional web designer

professional web designer NZ

Professionally developed websites are a powerful tool that any business can use to connect with customers and provide a positive experience for them. Sure, there are many build-your-own website building services out there, but they are only a ‘platform’, and the quality of the end result still depends mainly on your input and design skills.

Retail businesses employ professional shop fitters to design and build their store to ensure their goods are well displayed and enticing for customers. Why wouldn’t you want the same for your website? Whether you’re a consumer-facing or B2B business - your website is your ‘front door’ and usually the first interaction a customer has with your company.

When done well, a professional website can convert a casual browser into a valuable customer. However, some businesses still balk at the idea of paying for professional web designer services. But here’s the flip side—how many customers are you unknowingly losing because your website is turning them off? 

Read on as we offer five reasons why you should leave your website development in the hands of an expert.

#1: Good design attracts more customers

In many ways, maintaining a retail website isn’t that different from running a physical store. To make sales and become a profitable business, you need to attract customers. Brick-and-mortar establishments do this by investing significantly in merchandising.

An eye-catching window display will entice people into your store. They get a good idea of what you’re selling, and the attractive display draws them in for a browse.

People browsing your website are looking for a similar experience, namely:

  • An attractive layout
  • Products or services that are easy to find
  • A professional-looking business

#2: Web Developers make the browsing experience more user-friendly

In the same way as store layouts are designed to maximise sales - a professional web developer employs design techniques to keep the user browsing your website. A well-functioning user interface (UI) and a good user experience (UX) are two essential elements in a successful website. A good UI will provide users with good UX and ultimately encourage them to act, whether submitting an enquiry or making a purchase.

In addition to being easily navigable, your website should also load quickly. Research conducted by American content delivery network Akamai shows that 53% of users abandon visits to a website if a page takes longer than three seconds to load on mobile.

Your website should also be responsive across both desktop and mobile devices. Sites that are not mobile-friendly lose a significant percentage of users who primarily use their smartphones and tablets to browse and make online purchases.

#3: Good design improves recall

We’ve already talked about how you can use good web design to make a lasting first impression. Well designed sites also create a consistent experience for the user, which helps build trust and improves brand recall.

Take Facebook as an example. Both the website and the mobile app use the same dominant shade of blue—it’s become a recognisable trademark in its own right. When we see that exact shade of blue against a white background, many of us would instantly recognise it, even subconsciously, as the Facebook colours.

Here at Activate Design, our team of professional web developers includes a graphic designer. We can create a complete aesthetic for your business and apply it across your website, logo, letterhead, in-store experience and anywhere else your customers interact with your brand.

#4: Good design projects your credibility

Online, the adage about not judging a book by its cover is flawed by default. In most cases, users only have ‘the cover’ to go on, and 75% of them make judgments about the credibility of your business just from the way your website looks. This judgment may seem unfair, but it’s one of the realities of the digital marketplace that you must address.

An outdated website gives the impression that whoever is running it isn’t up with the play. Likewise, inaccurate or poorly-researched content can make users question your products or doubt the legitimacy of your business. Regularly updating your website will help you rank better on Google - this means keeping up with blog posts and refreshing your look from time to time. Generating good shareable content attracts more visitors to your site and lends your site more authority, which is good for SEO.

#5: Professional web developers optimise your site for SEO

Just like a TV commercial or a print ad, your website is an important marketing tool. Developing the site is only part of what a good website developer offers. To get your website seen by your target audience, you need a combination of strategies, including:

  • SEO Optimisation
  • Pay-per-click advertising
  • Social media promotion

Many DIY websites perform poorly in search results because they’re built on a standard template and are not optimised for SEO. Embedding keywords in your content is only one of many tools web developers employ to make sure your website is well recognised by search engines.

Many of these SEO techniques require coding expertise and up-to-date knowledge of SEO trends. Professional website designers engage copywriters to craft content that is rich in keywords and highly readable for the user.

The ongoing global pandemic has highlighted the importance of an effective online presence for companies, so they can continue to operate and adapt to changing circumstances. E-commerce has become an essential service, and you need the support of a professional web developer to ensure you deliver the best possible service to your customers.

Paying for a professional website designer might feel like a significant investment at first, but it will pay for itself again and again. With a well-designed website, you can showcase your brand’s best qualities, while differentiating yourself from your competitors.


If you are considering hiring a web designer for your website need —talk to the team at Activate Design. We do web design, graphic design, app development, branding, content marketing and SEO optimisation. We’d love to hear from you.

Posted in Website Design

Web Design - What to Expect in 2021

web design icons connected graphic

2020 was the year where conducting business online became essential, thanks to Covid. 

Consumers were either in lockdown or practising social distancing, and company websites became a vital link for e-commerce and conveying important safety information. We saw many companies pivot to online sales and focus their efforts on improving web design functionality. The pandemic has influenced the messaging behind website design too, with many organisations adopting a kinder, more empathetic tone. 

So what does 2021 have in store?  We expect web design in NZ this year to capitalise on the learnings of 2020, and more small businesses will look to start or improve their website design in NZ.

Visual Trends

Clean minimal designs are making a comeback in 2021, often with a focus on bold and creative typography.  Blur is another feature showing up in many new websites, allowing developers to create a suggestion of depth and separate foreground from background. Noise, grain and other visual effects are another popular technique to give your site a more natural feel that is less clinical. In general, expect to see website visuals that offer a positive, helpful and healthy vibe. Kindness is ‘in’. 

Animation and 3D effects were often discouraged in the past because they took too long to load, but HTML5 technology has changed the landscape. We’re seeing some beautiful 3D motion, animation and interactive UI design elements out there. The popularity of animated emojis on mobile platforms has seen a parallel increase in the use of GIFs in web design. Who would have thought GIFs would be so popular in 2021! Lottie files are a new lightweight, scalable animation format that works on all devices—one of the many innovative new web animation technologies bringing websites to life.

No Code/Low Code 

As part of the drive to make websites more functional, transactional and economical, many designers and developers are turning to no-code or low-code tools and apps to provide back-end functions. These cloud-based tools can be linked together to offer services such as data collection, e-commerce, and database management. The term ‘no code’ can be a little misleading, as these technologies still demand a level of skill that requires input from professional website designers.


There is a strong movement for more engagement by SME’s in their local communities, and we envisage guest blogging, online competitions and other collaborations will become increasingly popular this year. Optimising websites for local search will be a big focus too, as businesses have learnt how important it is to be visible to customers in your area. The risk of cancellation has led many organisations to switch to virtual events, including streamed concerts, online conferences and even fashion shows. The technology costs for streaming have dropped dramatically, and we believe more businesses will start to incorporate live stream features into their websites.

Less Social Media 

There is concern about the increasing power social media companies have over the internet, but there is also growing resistance and pushback from consumers. We expect to see business owners redirect some of their social media budgets into website optimisation and content marketing. There is good reason to be a little sceptical about the advertising metrics provided by platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, as you can only take the information at face value. Analytics from your website give a much better indication of traffic volumes and sales conversions.


Integrating your website into your business software eco-system is the final trend we think will accelerate this year, as cloud-based integration tools become cheaper and more sophisticated. Some of the many options for integration include:

  • Feeding contact form details into your CRM application
  • Passing Shopify data into Xero 
  • Capturing website bookings with Calendly

If it’s time to give your website a boost—talk to the team at Activate Design. We do web design, graphic design, app development, branding, content marketing and SEO optimisation. We’d love to hear from you.


Posted in Web Design Trends, Website Design

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