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Activate Design Limited

Mobile Website ~ recent development

New Mobile Website for Harris Mountains Heli-Ski

~ the ultimate experience for skiers and boarders, transporting you to untouched powder-kissed paradise.

Mobile Website Images

A Mobile Website is a copy of your website that has been re-focused to offer only the most important aspects of your business, reducing loading time and streamlining the viewer experience.

Important aspects may be contact details, a map of your location, and items for sale / open hours / menu / booking info etc. For more information on ensuring your website is easily on all devices contact us below. 

Posted in Branding

Christchurch Website Design

Welcome to Activate Design

Activate Design is your local website and graphic design company, producing top quality websites, as well as graphic design, logos and branding, smartphone applications, mobile websites.

king tiger logo design

Example of logo design for King Tiger. For more logo examples visit our Portfolio Page.

What your local Website Design company can offer

We have a great team of specialists at our Christchurch office on Durham Street. Our team is comprised of programmer and server specialists, graphic designers, website designers, development experts, friendly office staff, and everything in between.

We have an excellent automated host-management system called ActiveHost, which regularly manages our clients' website hosting at a very, very competitive rate. With our ActiveHost system our clients can log-in to view their hosting invoices, manage their domain or search for new domains, and more.


An example of recent Christchurch website design for local accounting company

This website was recently created for Clarity Accounting in Christchurch, who provide personal financial organisation and business planning. Clarity needed a site that could present large amounts of information in a way that was simple enough to view, in a website that was thorough, yet easy to navigate. The design was created to compliment the Clarity Accounting logo and incorporate the brand that we had previously created for them.

clarity accountants website design

For more examples of our recent website design, see our Website Portfolio.

The results of a new or refreshed brand

Many of our customers have found that with a newly designed brand or logo, or even refreshing their old logo and launching it into the Christchurch marketplace, this gives them a stronger and more recognisable presence in Christchurch. 

A logo refresh could mean that you wish to keep an aspect of your existing logo, so there is a part of it that can connect to a new, more recognisable logo. For our designers, this sometimes means using an existing colour scheme or perhaps a font structure that transfers into a fresh new design.


The results of having an easy to use website

The results of having a website that is clean and clear and simple to navigate are that you don't have to worry about it. You can relax knowing their is a home base for your company that is offering your products, services, address and contact details, and information about your company 24-7. Like having a secretary that never sleeps, your website showcases your company and experience, and allows enquiries to reach you through your website contact form at any time.

In a world that is becoming busier by the second, a lot of us don't have time to shop around for what we want by visiting stores, we simply look online for what's available. We find what we want, then the hours that store is open, and much like a typical Kiwi bloke in a mall we go straight in for what we're after and straight back out again.


Gaining brand loyalty through good website design

The trick of it is that once a web surfer has found your site, as a result of something specific that they are looking for, then you have their attention and the opportunity to offer your wider selection of products and services. To hold their attention on your website, your site needs to be very clean, clear, well designed, easy to navigate and informative.

To be found online you need a website that is a good introduction and representation of your business. Content must be presented in a way that will appeal to both viewer and search engines, and the site needs to be simple and uncluttered, while also being inviting and specific to what you do. This can be achieved by our experienced Christchurch website team, using relevant imagery, concise content writing and more.

Contact Us to discuss having a new website designed and developed, a new logo designed or an existing logo refreshed. If you're in the Christchurch area we can visit you at your premises or you are welcome to make an appointment to visit us at our Christchurch Activate Design office.

Posted in Branding

The constant growth of online technology

The future of business is growing on the internet.

The key to this future is websites.

small growth plant graphicBecause of this focus on internet systems for business, to be competitive you need an online presence. Where we once looked to printed directories for business information, we now turn to our cellphones for mobile websites, or access the internet via our iPads and Laptop computers while on the go.

But not only has the way we view information changed, so has our attitude towards it. A website with animated introduction, sound effects and buttons that move and become visual features actually works to your disadvantage.

We can access the information quickly, thus we want to view the information quickly and simply. We want no-frills information without flashy effects and neon sign in-your-face advertising. Internet users want standard button navigation and pages. Home page should be home page and contact page where your contact information is found. There's no need to get too clever - accessing a website for information should be an act that requires an absolute minimum of thought - everything should be quick, and plainly obvious, and that is what your audience will appreciate.

large growth plant graphic

  • Home Page - loaded and ready with a concise explanation of what you offer. Clear, large headings and clean navigation should be offered. This is your chance to get people to stay on your site, which they won't do if it's complicated, animated, or too clever.
  • Contact Page - clearly list all of your contact information. Open hours are always helpful for your customers, as is a map to your premises.
  • About Us - if viewers are not in a hurry they will take the time to learn more about you here, on additional pages that go more in depth into your business.
  • Image Gallery - the quickest way to see what you offer is to look at the pictures. Ensure you show only good quality images, and a brief description under each image is a bonus.

More recently there has been growth in students training to be “white-hat” hackers. These skilled people are in great demand by Government Agencies, private Cyber Security Firms, and many major software and internet-based companies. Students are trained to hack systems, then report any flaws in security so they can be fixed to prevent future hacking. The way internet technology is advancing, companies will need more and more people trained to test their online systems, websites, payment areas and more, to prevent security lapses and constantly improve methods of maintaining online security.

Website growth website developmentNowadays students are learning to identify and solve issues in internet systems, ultimately to prevent hackers from gaining access and causing havok. An increasing number of companies with internet based systems have come to realise the importance of employing such people.

What can you do to ensure you have the best website security? Ensure that your website is being hosted on a local New Zealand based server.  You can get cheap website hosting in India or various countries around the world, but what you are risking is the security of your website. Good server security prevents hackers from accessing your website and online systems. Local servers mean a better chance of contacting your host provider should you need too.

It is also important to note that the server your website is hosted on can effect your websites performance and speed in a negative way. It can also effect your site if the server is too full, crammed with other websites and thus becoming comparatively slow, or by not being maintained to highest standards.

Once your know your website hosting will be secure, ensure your online presence is a complimentary reflection of your business.


Posted in Branding

Could we survive without internet?

We have embraced the Internet through business websites, Blogs, Mobile Phone Apps, Online Booking systems, Facebook, Linked In and Twitter, as well as many other modes of social media, Internet banking, online business software, internet based communications software, and more.

It’s all a bit overwhelming to realise just how dependent we are on the internet. To realise how many services would be lost if the internet went down for an extended period of time, not to mention jobs and business, as more information is being stored and accessed online as a part of our everyday lives.

there is no internet south park graphicMost businesses these days rely on their internet services in one or more ways, with a website being a first point of call for most clients, as well as a reliable method of contacting a business through an email form, an online quote request or by simply providing all necessary contact information in one accessible location.

Online purchasing through E-commerce sites  is a constantly growing trend, making the purchase of goods online a much easier process than negotiating busy streets.

In a recent isolated incidence of internet being lost, in a small town in the Australian state of Victoria, a fire damaging the Telstra exchange resulted in no internet or phone for the unlucky residents. Local service stations and stores would take cash-only, bank machines were out of order, and cash withdrawals had to be limited to $100 with “IOU’s” being hand-written by bank staff. Work nearly ground to a halt as communication became limited to radio, and thousands of dollars were lost due to businesses being cut off from their systems and customers.

there is no internet south park graphic 2This is an eye opening account of what could happen and how entwined we are in all that the internet can provide. So what can we do but embrace these new technologies? Moving forward into a world that is more connected and fast-paced than ever before, and ensure we make the most of these opportunities and the new level of 'connectedness' that we now enjoy.

As for the risks, simply ensure you have a copy of your images and written content, logo and brand elements saved in a safe place, and trust that the systems that we have all come to accept as the norm will be carefully monitored, maintained and updated as the integral part of modern society that they have become.

So to grasp how fully emersed we are in all this relatively new technology, we must also realise the huge growth we have experienced as a direct result ; products and services are more easily acquired, businesses are far more easy to locate – and you can view a business location on a map, right to the door, using directions on a website, or from mobile applications that will give verbal directions as you drive.

Do you have a website presence? Are you a part of this growing technology? To embrace these modern technologies – from Social Media to Websites, Mobile Websites, Content Management Websites and E-Commerce Websites, Smartphone Apps and SEO - CONTACT US to discuss how we can use our decade of experience as Activate Design to brand, market, produce printed materials, and create and enhance your online presence, today.

Posted in Branding

An effective website is regularly maintained

You have a website - fantastic!  But don't walk away just yet!

For a website to be effective you need to keep it up to date, keep it interesting and keep it relevant.

You can do this by utilsing these marketing techniques ;

  • Having a Blog linked to your website and adding regular updates.
  • Having a Facebook page to add interesting events, products or customer feedback.
  • Having a YouTube account and linking your uploaded videos to Facebook & Blogs.
  • Having a Twitter feed to keep tweeters updated on your posts.

Your website is your most effective marketing tool. It's your backstop, it's your billboard, it's your flashing neon sign working 24 hours to ensure that your info is available - even when you're not.

If you don't currently have one of the suggested marketing techniques running through your website, contact us to have a Blog page added, and a link to your Facebook page or Twitter feed to get your business profile, products and services out there for added brand recognition.

Having a Facebook page is still an effective method of free marketing, but remember that as a free resource, you will have very little control over it. This system has been evolving towards being a user-pays resource with increased limitations as changes are implemented without warning, and posts are no longer visible to all unless paid for.

Having your own website is still the #1 best online tool you could have, and using free media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to direct them back to your website is the way to go. Better yet is to have a newsletter system - such as our ActiveMail customised newsletter system - so you can transfer the interest from other marketing methods into a subscriber list that you can send relevant news and information too, at your own convenience.

It is often a surprise to me when companies come to me for updates for websites that they have not themselves visited in quite some time. I would recommend as a minimum, to be checking and updating your website every fortnight. Keep in mind that if you have something such as a regular blog or "recent news" feed on your site, this gives people a reason to keep coming back to your site to see what's new - especially if they can see that your posts or updates are fairly regular.

If you simply don't have the time to do updates to your site, contact us to utilise our Website Copywriting service, where we can write some keyword-rich, relevant content for both your customers to view, and for search engines to recognise that your site is being maintained, so they will keep coming back to index your site, resulting in increased rankings.

To get a major boost in site rankings - contact us about our Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Service.

It's hard to keep up your enthusiasm but if you put the same passion into your website as your do into your business, that will reflect in your website content and your website will start working for you - bringing in contacts and queries and more work. The more you get into the habit of making small updates and adding images, the easier it will be, and if the content is interesting enough then your customers may refer other people to your site to see what you do, resulting in increased brand exposure! Remember to add testimonials and images, which are great for most of those web surfers who will just be quickly skimming your site.

Contact Us at Activate if you would like any updates or changes made to your site, or any features added that will make it easier for you to manage your content.

Keep up the maintenance!

Posted in Branding

QR codes : what, why and how

QR Codes are not a new technology, but they are frequently proving their worth as a quick-link to direct a person to a specific website page, promotion or event. The technology is now being included in later models of smartphones and is easily downloadable for most other phones.


QR Codes are becoming a far more utilised tool for marketing, especially with our generation Y's (born 1977-1994) who are technology-wise, expect instantaneous results, and are immune to most traditional marketing as they have been exposed to it since early childhood. Marketing to Generation Y needs to be fast and effective and actually offer a good benefit worthy of their time. This is what makes QR Codes, when used correctly, a subtle advantage.

QR Codes can be included with all other marketing, printed on posters and business cards, and even included on car signage, building exteriors and all printed media. A British film company recently marketed a new movie using a billboard with only the QR Code printed on it, generating curiosity of passers-by and directing a wide audience to their website.


QR Codes are best described as a two-dimensional barcode which, when scanned by smartphone application, open up a specific webpage. Although this is a great use of directing people to your website, the most effective use of QR Codes are in targeted marketing campaigns, giving the viewer a real incentive to use them.

For example if you were printing posters to a music event, and the incentive was to "scan the QR Code to get discount tickets", then the QR code would direct the user to a webpage that is only accessible through the code.

Another example would be : "scan the QR Code to receive today's special discount" where the user can save a mobile-voucher for later use. This is the kind of instant-gratification marketing that is proving effective to a growing technology-savvy market, appealing to smartphone users through providing a simple yet effective way of accessing a company, product, service, discount or promotion.

QRcodeScanningTo stay on the crest of this fast-moving technology, Contact Us today to have a unique QR Code included in your promoting and marketing, signage and printing.

Posted in Branding

How to transfer your facebook followers

Legally, there is no way to just take your whole follower list from Facebook and use if for your own marketing purposes. It simply can't be done.

So how do keep in touch with your 'followers' from Facebook, who obviously already like you and are interested in what you have to offer?

facebook thumbStep 1.

You need to have an alternate way of sending out information to your interested followers, and the best way to do this is by sending out a regular newsletter.   Due to the fact that Facebook have introduced fees you must pay to ensure your posts reach all your followers (otherwise they are only visiable to a small percentage of followers), and proven that sites such as this can be changable and unpredicable in the way you interact with them, many people are turning to other methods of having an online presence such as ;

Websites : a website is a must-have for business these days.

Contact us to have a custom-designed website created for your company, or to update your existing website to something stylish and modern.

Newsletters : what better way to regularly send out interesting and relevant information to your clients than an online newsletter?!

Some of the benefits of using our ActiveMail email marketing system;

  • This is a user-friendly newsletter system, so easy to use it will make newsletter creation a breeze!
  • We create a template / or templates for you, then you just choose the template you wish to use and easily upload your pictures, fill in the articles with your own words, send yourself a test newsletter if you wish, then send to your subscriber list. Easy.
  • Easily add links into your newsletters yourself.
  • Subscriber lists that are so easy to manage, you can even have multiple lists for ease-of-use. What could be simpler?


facebook thumbStep 2.

Pay for a post on Facebook so it's guaranteed to go to ALL followers. The sooner the better! With changes in progress all the time, who knows what future posting prices will be?! - Get in quick while posting prices are relatively low.   Your post could be an interesting graphic to intice interest, with a link to the subscriber page on your newsletter where they are encouraged to fill in their name and email to enjoy your future newsletters.

I would advise to keep your Facebook page, it is free social media marketing unless you are paying for posts, then you can pay for a post every now and then to encourage subscribing to your newsletter.

Feel free to contact us to discuss your website or newsletter needs, we are happy to advise on the best solution for your business needs. Visit our ActiveMail Email Marketing System page for more information on this innovative newletter system.

Visit our Content Writing page, if you would like to utilise our creative writers for articles in your newsletter, or content for your website.

Posted in Branding

Facebook Changability vs Website Stability

The advantages of having a website rather than relying on free social media sites such as Facebook, are becoming more and more clear with new information that has come to light this week.

Is the Facebook user audience is on the decline? A report released this week shows that some 61 percent of Facebook users had taken a break from using the site for at least two weeks for a variety of reasons; from taking a break from the screes of gossip, drama, and irrelevant information, to the fact that many people seem to have realised they have been spending too much time on the site, and need to re-think their time allocations. Privacy and security concerns on Social Media sites have also received plenty of media coverage of late.

This shift in user activity may be due to the new charges that were launched in late 2012, where you must pay for the priviledge of having your posts reach all of your followers, or otherwise be satisfied that only a percentage of your randomly chosen followers will be seeing any of your posts at all.

This introduction of charges also had another effect, causing users to realise that websites of this type can change without notice in the form of charges, display and formats, even how they operate. Facebook offers you no control over how you can utilise this marketing tool. It's a take-it or leave-it social media platform with little or no stability.

For those who have spent vast amounts of time setting up their business pages and marketing hot spots on Facebook, it has come as a huge disappointment that free social media sites cannot be relied upon to work as they previously have. We have people just like this come to us and we are able to create a client-friendly, editable website for them, as well as the ability to have a Blog streaming through their site, and a customised Email Marketing Newsletter to reach their target audience.

The time to have your own website is now. Facebook is a free media site that can still offer benefits, but not stability. I would encourage everyone currently advertising on Facebook to invest in their own website where your followers can find your permanent, reliable internet presence when they want it.

I say it is time to action your own website presence now because you want to encourage your Facebook audience to sign-up to your Newsletter, and you want to do this NOW before Facebook change their charges or conditions on the way you can advertise to your followers.

Contact us today to discuss your website needs and how we can conceptualise, design and build a stunning website that will best reflect your style, as well as offering easy-to-use editable features allowing you to control, change and add your own content at your own convenience.

See our Portfolio page for examples of our previous website design projects.

Posted in Branding

Surviving the Facebook Conspiracy

Facebook conspiracy

SURVIVING THE FACEBOOK CONSPIRACY - the truth behind Facebook and the new fees for posting

Facebook has been and will continue to be, a great source of free marketing for businesses. But as some of us have just learned the hard way, Facebook as an alternative to your own website is a mistake.

As you will now be aware, Facebook has just recently added fees to their site, so that for your posts to reach all of your fans you are now required to pay-per-post, otherwise only about 1/4 of your fans are even seeing your posts at all.

Facebook can still be used as a source of free media, but the reality is that the rug can be pulled out from under you again at any time. You have very few rights when using Facebook and no input as to what fees or changes may arise in future. Additionally your posts are not going to reach all your fans unless you pay whatever amount Facebook deems necessary. But why do we think we should have control over something that is by nature, a free resource? Perhaps we have been naive to think that social media would remain free, as no other advertising method has.

This new pay-per-post feature is being called Facebook's "Promoted Posts" feature, and comes at a cost dependent on the amount of recipients you wish to post to.  This same feature is available to individual users who use Facebook as a non-related media source, offering to make your posts available to your whole friend list rather than just the small percentage that now receives your updates. Ironically these new charges come at a time when Facebook's shares have dropped dramatically, and right on the heels of what some might call their "IPO disaster", and subsequently there has been a lot of speculation on the timing and reasons behind these new fees.

Although Facebook have been clear on what these this new pay-per-post feature offers, they have not stated WHY we are now being charged for something that has been a free resource for so long. I believe that in making these changes many loyal Facebook users are now waiting for a Facebook alternative so they can once again enjoy the openness of free Social Media with more stability and less surprises. The lesson we must take away from this experience is that in future there will be NO GUARANTEES that Social Media sites such as Facebook will not flip the coin on their processes, fees, and your rights as a user.


Here's what we suggest; if you have spent copious amounts of time arranging your Facebook page to just how you want it, attracting hundreds or thousands of fans - then like so many others you will be feeling the frustration of these new Facebook fees while your posts will only be reaching a very small percentage of your fans.

What we advise is taking advantage of those fans who are already interested in you, and enticing them over to your website. Don't have a website? Then Contact Us today and we will talk you through the process, and get your started on having your own permanent place in the world of online marketing.

Enticing people to your website may require that yes, you need to pay for a post or two on Facebook, to ensure you get the message out to ALL of your fans; that they can now visit your website and be guaranteed to see all of what you have to offer, not to mention that having a website increases the legitimacy of your business, and offers up your website as a permanent port in the storm of online advertising.

• Talk to us about creating a website for you. We are passionate about building websites, mobile website, iPhone or iPad applications and a larger range of online marketing tools to help you promote your products and services. See our Website Portfolio Page for examples of our website design excellence.

• Apply your Facebook Marketing skills and enthusiasm to your website. Take what you have learned about marketing through free Social Media sites, along with your enthusiasm about connecting with your client base, and let us work with you to take advantage of and improve, these marketing methods.

• Offer something to entice your Facebook Fans to your website. You will likely need something more than just "visit my website" to transfer your Facebook fans to your website. Some sort of offer, teaser or sweetener may provide the necessary motivation to encourage them to follow you. A printable voucher or similar special may be just the ticket to pulling all your Facebook fans through to your website, and we can work with you to find just the right Pied Piper to lead your fans directly to you.

• Keep posting via a newsletter. Encourage your fans to 'subscribe' to your newsletter. We have a fabulous newsletter system called "ActiveMail" that is so easy to use you probably won't even believe me till you see it! We create a newsletter template for you, working with you to get the look and layout that suits you, so you can add your own articles and images and send out to your clients as often as you wish.

• Keep posting via a Blog on your website. Keep up your posts hourly, daily, whenever you wish by having your own blog on your site. We will show you how to create keyword-rich text that search engines can pickup on to both generate more traffic and keep the interest of your current fan base.

• Stream your Twitter feed through your site. Again using keywords and moments of interest, fed through your site, to stream your fans back to you. Twitter is enjoying a boom while many of us are Tweeting about all kinds of business events and activities from open days to new product launches, keeping our client base up to date and INVOLVED.


• Legitimise your business and run your business properly with your own website. Let's face it, running your business solely through Facebook, TradeMe, or any other such free Social Media site does not generate faith in your legitimacy as a business. People are taking a "risk" on you, and customers are more likely to believe in your value and reliability if you have a website with clear communication on who you are, where you are, and how to contact you in the event that sales do not go smoothly.

• You have more control over the look of your site. You make the decisions on what you want in a website, and we will show you the options available to you, and guide you along the way. Our goal is for you to have a site that you're proud of.

• You are not at the mercy of "fad" Social Media sites. If a site becomes unpopular, stop using it. Generate interest that will direct back to your own website from your own site, or from a different Social Media site. In that way you will remain up-to-date, and will not be at the mercy of sites that have become greedy or unpopular by investing all your time posting on sites people no longer visit.

• You have control of the features you wish to have available to your fans and clients. We have many options available such as creating a Mobile-friendly version of your website, portfolio pages, eCommerce sites for selling your products online, full editable access for you the client, our ActiveMail email system and more!

• Be aware of the costs of creating and hosting your own website. We will layout exactly what's involved in having your own site, with no surprise charges or changes that may leap out at you in future such as what you may experience from Social Media sites turned greedy.

• You can have a website that YOU can edit yourself. Your website will be more editable than Facebook in that you can have access to the whole content and can make changes to the information displayed at any time, or our friendly team can update the site for you at your convenience. Training on editing your site is included in our website packages.

• Facebook is not under your control. Whereas your own website would be, and the Activate Design team is here to offer full support for your ongoing website needs.

• Anything you post to Facebook belongs to Facebook - in that they can use your images for their own marketing, as you gave them permission to do so when you signed up. This is not so when having your own site. Your website will be SECURE and all your files remain your own.

There has been many successful business stories come out of the free marketing that is available on Social Media sites such as Facebook, so we know that online marketing works. What is now frustrating for so many of us, is that the time and effort that you have put into making Social Media work for you, can so easily be taken away by corporate decision making beyond your control.

I like think of it like this, anchor yourself with a website of your own, where content remains in your control and where you can rely on it always being there. Where you can change or edit, refresh or re-brand, add and remove products and alter pricing at your own convenience, and have the peace of mind that the website is YOURS.

Once securely anchored with your own website then by all means, go sailing in the sea of Social Media, utilising Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Blog, UTube, and any other sites that take your fancy - knowing as you do so no matter what may change on those sites, the interest you are working to generate will be diverting back to your permanent website. Your website becomes your lighthouse in the storm of constantly changing Social Media.

Lighthouse Storm Banner



Posted in Branding

Modern Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Modern Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Marketing isn’t a brand-new concept, but due to today’s technological advancements, marketing a product or service has certainly changed. Thanks to the accessibility the internet provides, a lot of businesses are using the digital landscape to reach a wider audience. However, this doesn’t mean that traditional marketing is down for the count because there are companies that still use traditional marketing strategies.

With two marketing concepts to choose from, many business owners find it challenging to implement a marketing strategy that works best for their brand. It’s no secret that traditional marketing has withstood the test of time, but the appeal of modern marketing is difficult to ignore. Fortunately, this article can help business owners reach a decision by discussing the contrasts of the two marketing strategies.

What is Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing has been used and enjoyed by people all over the world, so it’s no surprise that everyone is familiar with this concept. It’s also designed to focus more on selling a certain service or product and uses a variety of mediums to advertise a brand. 

Because of these factors, traditional marketing is easier to understand, and companies won’t have any difficulty explaining their product or service to various age groups. It also works best with a local audience because it can be centralised in a city or region. What’s more, they can be accessed without an internet connection and kept for reuse. 

Some of the most commonly used traditional marketing strategies include the following:

  • Business cards. This type of traditional marketing strategy is a quick way for a company or individual to spread their information. As such, it’ll forever endure the ever-changing marketing strategy landscape.
  • TV and radio ads. Thousands of people tune in to the radio every day, so advertising a product or service through this channel still works.
  • Flyers and brochures. Flyers and brochures are designed to capture the attention of a wide audience. They typically use vibrant colours to convey a message or display an image the reader can easily remember.
  • Billboards and signage. Using outdoor billboards and signage are great ways to advertise a business to daily drivers, commuters, and people who are walking around the city.
  • Direct mail. This traditional marketing strategy is used to spread awareness of a certain product or service to a specific target market. It uses a mail service to deliver promotional printed pieces like postcards, brochures, and letters.

What is Modern Marketing?

While traditional marketing’s focal point is the company’s product or service, modern marketing is more customer-oriented. Businesses that adopt a modern strategy always put their consumers’ satisfaction above all else, so they’re able to address their audience’s unique wants and needs. 

Since modern marketing uses a digital platform, it’s more customisable. It can also easily adapt to change, so it has no problem keeping up with the latest marketing trends. Plus, it can be accessed on any device, which means companies have a higher chance of reaching a global audience. All of these factors help build customer loyalty and trust, as well as worldwide brand recognition.

The following examples are some of the most popular modern marketing strategies used today: 

  • Email marketing. With the highest ROI of all marketing channels, email marketing should be a part of your modern marketing strategy. It allows you to engage with your customers, notify them of upcoming promotions, and more.
  • Internet ads. From Google to YouTube to Facebook, there’s no shortage of platforms where you can grow your brand through paid advertisements. And with the right data, you can ensure the ads are reaching your target audience.
  • E-Commerce Websites. If you sell physical or digital products, an e-commerce website is a must for your business. It allows customers to purchase your products without visiting a physical storefront, meaning you can reach a larger audience.
  • Using social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Social media platforms have built-in data analytics tools that enable brands to track their performance, engagement, and ad campaigns. It’s also easier to create a buzz using Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram due to online marketing trends like using hashtags.
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO). SEO is the practice of optimising your website to improve its rankings/position in search results. With the right technical, on-page, and off-page optimisations, your site will be the first result users see when they're searching for a product or service. 

Which Marketing Strategy Should You Choose?

digital marketing vs traditional marketing modified
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Traditional marketing and modern marketing have their own set of advantages, but depending on the business’s needs, one might be better than the other. To know which concept suits their goals, business owners need to answer the following questions first before implementing a marketing strategy:

  • What’s their budget and goals?
    Although applying both methods will reach a wider market, it can get expensive. Traditional strategies are easier to understand, but they’re more costly to maintain due to the amount of material that needs to be printed regularly. Modern approaches, on the other hand, heavily depend on technology, but they’re more cost-effective. Depending on the business’ budget and goals, one strategy may suit their needs more than the other.
  • Who’s their target audience?
    As always, it depends. Depending on your audience’s age, location, and your product, your marketing strategy may differ. For example, if  your target audience is younger individuals, a modern marketing strategy would be best given their use of technology.
  • What industry are they in?
    Professionals like lawyers and dentists still rely on traditional marketing strategies because their clients base their search on their location or when they need their services. However, freelancers and vendors are better off investing in a modern marketing platform since it better showcases their merchandise and skills.

Once a strategy has been determined, companies will need to have a professional web designer and/or graphic designer help market their service, product, or brand. Fortunately, top design agencies have experience with both types of marketing.

If you’re looking for a web design or graphic design agency in New Zealand to help market your brand, Activate Design is a name you can trust. We specialise in responsive web designs, graphic designs, smartphone apps, and software development, as well as traditional branded print material. Our company has been providing these top-notch services since 2003 and have been working with various industries in Christchurch and across the country. If you'd like to inquire about our services, please visit our contact page.

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